five strengths

          Four of the five strengths identified in my report fell under the “Strategic Thinking” domain: Ideation, Input, Learner, and Intellection. My initial reaction to being classified as a strategic thinker was one of astonishment. Strategic thinkers are careful planners; they position armies for battles. I value long naps, and I love baking shows which does not exactly remind me of Sun Tzu. Then, I read the description for “Ideation,” my most prominent strength, and now I hope people see me as a strategist. We value creativity in order to emphasize the clarification in and value of the “contrary and bizarre.” Through StrengthsQuest I realized that I have always been interested in synthesizing the in-between spaces others might not necessarily look. For example, my favorite paper I have ever written was on the emasculating reality of the environmental sustainability movement in the book Fight Club. I was really in love with the moment that people reading my paper would unfurrow their eyebrows when they finally understood the connection I was making. In work environments, I love to listen and synthesize the ideas and interests of my team members. I look forward to creating content that reflects everyone’s valid contributions.
